Alone and waiting this ship I sail
Greater depths of doldrums ne’er been
Blistering sun, charring skin
Nor whisper of wind–He let us fail
Stagnant sails surface doubt
On this course I chart anew
Rumblings from the misfit crew
Misfits and seekers, all the louts
Return us not
Onto craggy shores
Though still waters not providing
Nor quenched, nor food, nor life
Where are you restless waters of my soul?
A plea for hope
A shimmer on seas
Breathe into my sails
Life fill me again!
Best tie anchor round my neck
And plunge to your depths
Than stand ready
For faintest whispered lips never to part
Stillness lies in repose
So I wait.
And wait and
Rumbling misfits wait no more.
Conscript my vessel
Mutiny is now
Captain brigged.
Louts at the helm
I’ve waited too long
Forsaken in silence and
Abandoned in the doldrums.